Tag Archives: smores

Coffee and nightlife collide at Halcyon

2 Oct

Coffee shops are a dime a dozen in this city, but Halcyon definitely puts a different spin on your coffee drinking experience. While Halcyon is not a new establishment to Austin, it’s new to me, and I absolutely love it.

Halcyon means peaceful, carefree, untroubled, prosperous, and the name is a perfect fit. The coffee shop/bar is a great placeĀ  to unwind after a long day, grab a quick pick-me-up or just chill with friends. Local art lines the walls, and comfy, inviting couches sit beneath the paintings. When the weather isĀ  beautiful like it has been lately, the staff at Halcyon opens the full-length windows and doors to let the breeze blow through.

When the sun goes down, the coffee shop adopts a more swanky bar feel. On Friday night, Halcyon had a DJ in a corner spinning song after song, which added to the nightlife feeling. With all sorts of different people drifting in and out of the coffee shop, it was a perfect place to relax and do some people watching.

But let’s not forget about the food. The coffee at Halcyon is a perfect blend of smooth yet strong tastes, and while I didn’t try a dessert, the person at the table next to me did, and it looked delish. But my favorite thing about Halycon was their make-your-own-smore set. After ordering your smore, the waiter brings you a flame along with sticks, marshmallows, graham crackers, Hershey’s chocolate and even wet napkins as smores are notoriously messy. The smores are delicious, of course, but the fun of roasting a marshmallow over the little flame is even better.