Tag Archives: moving

Goodbye, Driftwood. Hello, Austin.

3 Aug

No moving crew needed. I've got my brothers and my dad's trailer from the 70's that we named Seal, after the singer of course.

You know what sucks? Moving. You know what sucks worse than moving? Moving with a car that doesn’t have AC. That was my day Monday. And then of course the new place was like a sauna all day what with us going in and out as we moved all of our possessions into this townhouse.

But you know what? None of that matters because I love this place! Our living room could eat every other living room I’ve ever had and still be hungry for more. Our backyard may not have much grass, but it’s still going to make a cute little hang out spot once the weather gets bearable. We have wood floors. The second floor balcony has this pretty little view, and I can’t wait to get some patio furniture out there. AND, two of my roommates have cats, so it’s a constant kitty party!

The best part of it all, though, is that my room is awesome. I was a little scared that I was going to be living in Harry Potter’s cupboard under the stairs, but this room is surprisingly large. My closet is huge, the room is still spacious even with my big new bed and all my other furniture, and I have my very own patio that leads down to the backyard. I also like that, since my bedroom is on the first floor and everyone else’s is on the third floor, I can play my terrible music and I won’t feel like I’m offending anyone. And I have this cute little white staircase in my room that leads to the door, so every time I bring someone into my room, I feel like I’m leading them into some secret, hidden room. And it doesn’t help that most people stop at the top of the staircase and look around kinda like, “Woa.”

First meal at the apartment. We like to keep it classy.

But there are some cons to this room. For one, I live on the first floor, and my shower is located on the third floor. Also, since I’m on the first floor and we live on the east side, I have this fear that I’m going to look at my sliding glass door one night and see some creepy man on the other side (irrational, but true). And, this room has a total of eight doors in it. Yeah, that’s not really a con, but still, I think it’s kinda weird.

So my three roommates and I have spent the last two days moving and unpacking and organizing and decorating and going to Ikea to get a bunch of cute and practical stuff. This has been two long, hot, tiring days. But, we did finally take a much-needed break yesterday to celebrate Caroline’s birthday (hey girl, happy birthday!), and that was a lot of fun.

The place is already starting to look pretty awesome. It no longer resembles a three-story Hooverville with all of the boxes and trash scattered about the place. Instead, we’ve removed almost all of the boxes and everything is slowly becoming organized and decorated and gorgeous.

Pretty much the only downside to this whole moving-into-a-new-place thing is that we won’t have cable or internet until August 13. No cable? Eh, I’ll deal. No Internet? That sucks! I thought it was bad having slow Internet at my parents’, but having to get dressed and get in the car and drive to some place just to get on the Internet is terrible.

I just hope this place is good by Saturday…

Movin’ on up, to the east side

31 Jul

During one of my seven moves, my roommate and I put off packing and instead made a fort out of my boxes.

Today was my last day at my parents’ house. Tomorrow I’m moving back to the city, and then school will start in about a month. I can’t believe how fast this summer has past, but here I am, sitting in my room packing up all my stuff once again.

Even though this move hasn’t technically even start, I’m ready for it to be done with already. Part of that has to do with how excited I am to finally be moving out of my parents’ house, but another part is because I’m just sick of moving. Tomorrow’s move will be my seventh move since I started college three years ago. SEVENTH. I’m a moving pro. I’ve become so good at efficiently using all the space in boxes and organizing boxes so everything inside them goes together in some way and dumb, useless skills like that. So, yeah, I’m ready to not move for a while.

This is my little puppy dog, Maggie

But at the same time I’m going to miss everything at home a little bit. I’m going to miss my puppy dog and not having to cook my own food or do my own laundry. I’m going to miss being able to lie outside and look at the beautiful stars and going to the top of the world and the pool. I’m going to miss being able to lie down in my room and listen to Martin singing new Edison Chair songs through the air vent that connects our room. And I’m really going to miss knowing almost everyday that Martin and Wes will be there, ready to get ridiculous and do whatever stupid, fun things when I get home from work.

I think I’m just thinking about all this stuff a lot because it’s going to be the last time I ever move into or out of my parents’ house. That is if everything goes according to plan, and I get a job when I graduate. I don’t like living at my parents’ house by any means, but it’s still very weird to think that  I’ll never live there again. It’s like a sad excitement. I mean I’ve lived in that house for 21 years, and I’ve lived in that room nearly all that time, so it’s all I know. I still have all my childhood things in that room like my jewelry box from when I was 5 and my Harry Potter poster from the midnight release of the seventh book and the really lame things I collect that no one will ever know about.

But despite all those things, I’m so, so excited to be moving into my new townhouse. It’s so pretty and close to campus and a hop, skip, and a jump from downtown. Tomorrow morning needs to get here already.